April 17, 2023
Jayce Hafner was raised on an Angus beef cattle operation in Virginia where she learned how tough it is to grow a profitable farm. Jayce began her career in Washington DC as an environmental policy advisor organizing delegations to the UN Climate Change negotiations. After getting her MBA at Stanford, Jayce circled back to her ag roots to co-found FarmRaise: a platform that helps farmers master their finances. FarmRaise serves over 20K farmers, partners with major agribusiness companies like Cargill to connect farmers with climate-smart capital, and is on a mission to bring resilience back to the farming sector.
Julian: Everyone. This isJulian from Behind Company Lines here with Jayce Hafner, CEO of FarmRaise. Thesmall Farmer's financial tool is what FarmRaise is building, and I'm so excitedto chat with Jayce, not only to understand your story a little bit more and, andshare it with, with our audience in terms of your founder journey, but also thefarm industry and, and what we, I feel like further and further we've becomeremoved from farming and where we kind of get our food and, and how it'sraised.
But I think more in the last maybe fiveto 10 ish years, we've become more and more kind of closer to where our foodcomes from, being a little bit more aware. The, the, kind of reality of farmersand the whole supply chain, but even, there's so much for us to learn as anaudience and from consumer standpoint in terms of how technology is really,you're changing the industry and I'm really excited to chat with you, Jason,on, on what that means.
Before we get into all that, What wereyou doing before you started the company?
Jayce: Yeah. Julian, thankyou so much for the warm welcome. I'm really excited to be here. BeforeFarmRaise, I was getting my MBA at Stanford and that's where I met myco-founder Sammy. We both have pretty unconventional backgrounds.
She had worked at the US Department ofAg. Culture for a number of years before deciding to go back to grad school.And I had grown up on a farm. I grew up on a small Angus beef cattle farm inthe Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. And it was an awesome experience. Yeah.Being able to be hands on with my dad in the business and managing our goatbusiness and our chicken business growing up and learning a lot about the cowbusiness as well.
We were primarily Angus beef cattleproducers. Yeah. But there were some hard parts to that as well. Sure. It'sreally tough to be competitive as a small farmer, small to mid-size farmer.There are no good tools or resources today that enable farmers to be able togrow profitably and sustainably as the, the macro context is changing andincreasingly supporting really.
Scaled up industrialized operations. Butsmall farms have a ton to offer. Yeah. And they're incredibly important when itcomes to sustaining supply chains. Yeah. Including producing food for the worldand mitigating climate change. And as a kid I saw like, How tired my dad wasall the time. Yeah.
He would come home and be just likeabsolutely exhausted and the top of mind thing was not about, organizing ourcash flows and making sure we were poised to take advantage of opportunity or,applying for a grant. It was just about making sure that we were able to keepfunctioning day after.
Julian: Yeah. And I'm sofascinated in terms of, just give context before we kind of dive into thechallenges that farmers face. Obviously there, there's probably many, butdescribe the experience of a small farmer in regards to what their, almostlike, what their daily activity is and in terms of the relationship to yourconsumers.
How do they have, how do, what is kindof the vehicle to selling what they produce and, and being able to reapdividends for that reward and, and how do they essent. Feedback. So kind ofwhat's that overall experience for small farmers and and, and before we go intothe challenges, just to give a little context to the audience.
Jayce: Oh my gosh. Thank youso much for asking this question. I love going in close on, a farmer's day. Interms of the way a farmer can sell their product. The first thing to thinkabout is the majority of small and mid-sized farmers across the us, they don'tfit a cookie cutter model. They're often what we call diversified operations,which means they have.
Multiple sub enterprises that composetheir overall farm enterprise. Yeah. They're probably selling eggs. They may beselling beef. They may also be marketing a row crop like corn or soybeans.Yeah. And these different business entities make up their whole, they may alsobe doing Airbnb or hip camp on the side.
Yeah. There are many different ways youcan grow the operation and build into that whole business. And so when afarmer's looking to market, they are likely dealing with a few differentgo-to-market strategies at once. Yeah. Conventionally farmers often whenthey're marketing a, say a row crop, they'll look to sell at their local grainelevator or if they're growing livestock, they'll look to take that, take thatlivestock that they're taking off to sale to a local, what they call stocksale, which is where.
Sales are aggregated and then often,take in a market price and then the buyer takes those cows and fattens them upand Yeah. Then has them processed. So that's really the conventional way isthrough selling into a wholesale aggregator. Yeah. But what a lot of smallfarms are starting to do and midsize farms as well, to capture more of apremium on their prices.
And this is critical to their success,right? Like cuz when you're looking at a small to. Farm, you're not going tonecessarily win by getting a market price for your for your produce in the sameway that a large farmer could with the volume they produce. Right? Right. So tosurvive you really have to be aggressive and go after that market premium andbe creative and scrappy about that.
So, for instance, like my dad, whatwe're looking at right now on our farm is how can we sell, how can wecircumvent this whole system of wholesale aggregation and going to, a massiveprocessor and then sort of just selling our cattle at the market price. How canwe capture a premium on that?
Yeah. And potentially feedback into ourcommunity in a way that enables more vitality in rural Virginia. And how can weenable other producers to come along with us for the ride and. So that usuallyhappens through selling direct to consumer. And if you're going to do that as alivestock producer, There are a few hoops you have to jump through.
Yeah, the first one, which I think isreally, really important is getting your story really strong and making surethe way you're producing your food is selling a, the value of the premium and away that resonates with your users. Yeah. The first step in that I think waswhen I was a teenager.
My dad went through the process ofactually he was able to take a step back from the business and be opportunisticand apply for a. Yeah, which enabled us. Begin to a, graze our cattle in a moreregenerative and sustainable way on the land. Moving our cattle day over daythrough different paddocks rather than keeping them in one paddock and havethem graze that down to, down to dry soil.
This actually rejuvenated the soil andmade us. And be able to produce more prolific grass and also enabled us to talkabout growing grass fed beef. Yeah, which was really cool. It also grew ourbottom line by about $40 an acre because we were no longer purchasing feed inputsfor our cows, we could keep them outside on the land almost the entire year,literally living off the grass itself.
Ah, it's, which was really cool.
No. So that was the first step and Ithink a lot of producers go through the process of trying to up-level theiroperations that they can then produce in a different way that enables theirconsumers to justify the premium that they would be purchasing on the meatthrough buying directly from that farmer.
Julian: Yeah. It's sofascinating thinking about, kind of what are the overall goals of a lot ofthese kind of small to medium sized. Farms, is it to, kind of, a supply foryour, your local kind of consumers that are within, say, a town or city orwhatever? Or is it to kind of upscale their enterprises into different ways todistribute nationally?
Or do they kind of just go as, as thedemand kind of dictates? What's that process like in terms of their overallkind of business objectives and goals to offering that?
Jayce: I think the marketdetermines a lot of that for them. And a farmer who's able to positionthemselves opportunistically, contest out different strategies to see whatcatches for their unique operation.
What I'm seeing with a lot of small andmid-size producers is innovative approaches where approaches where thesefarmers are grouping together to Under a common brand to be able to have morecontrol over how they're marketing the, their produce, who it's going to, andthe whole system between when the calf is born to when it's raised, to whenit's actually slaughtered.
Yeah. So these farmers are looking atways to gain more control or autonomy over how their meat is actually butcheredand processed and make sure it's done more humanely and potentially with otherbeef that is raised on, grass and in the same. That they're raising their beefso they can claim the same, they can really tell the same story with their,with their label.
And I think that's really cool is seeingthese producers working together to scale up the collective benefits of, ofgroup power. Yeah, it's an alternative to some of the wholesale. Status quoapproaches that we've seen over most of the 20th century.
Julian: Yeah. Describe some ofthe constraints that a farmer might face if they're thinking about offering apremium product.
And it makes sense. If you can't do itby scale, then you do it by offering something you know, unique or that hassome, attachment to it. Some kind of unique, like you said, premium quality toit. What are the constraints around developing something like that? And interms of integrated into a farm?
How disruptive is those kind ofrequirements to say be a grassfed com grassfed farm or a, if you think about eggs,all the different categories of eggs that we see, cage free pasteurize and, andall the things that come with that. What are the, what is the impact that thathas? Kind of farmers who, who want to sell a premium product but have to dealwith the, the requirements, constraints, how hard do they have to adapt or is,is there a way to kind of do it where it's not so disruptive to their farm ortheir current system?
Jayce: Yeah. Organiccertification, which is probably one of the most popular premium accessinglabels out there is a pretty rigorous process that has. Government guidelinesand it's expensive to implement it. It can take a few years. It's a prettyarduous process. But if you do it well, you can reap pretty big benefits.
There are other labels that areemerging, but with them it's more like the wild west. Yeah. I'm starting to seesome like grassfed certification coalescing around a common standard. I've alsobeen really interested in seeing wildlife friendly beef becoming a label thatborrowers can work. But depending on which one you're going for, it may or maynot be super rigorous and there is a lot of uncertainty as to how much thatcertification may actually amplify your voice.
Sure. Sometimes we've seen a lot offarmers just kind of claim all natural or, grass finished and just tellingtheir own story to be, put, put their beef out there on their best foot forwardusing beef specifically. But there are a lot of other, obviously meat. Could,that could fall into too.
And one thing that I've also seen anumber of small farmers leveraging when they aren't necessarily going for theorganic certification, but they're looking to amplify their brand Yeah. Is togo at it through an influencer approach. They're getting on YouTube and they'regetting on TikTok and they're creating like some really fun and engagingeducational and like hilarious content.
And they're winning a massive audiencefor that and are being able to market their livestock at a premium because itcomes. Particular farmer influencer.
Julian: Yeah. Just superinteresting. Yeah. Describe a little bit more about the kind of the newgeneration of farmers that, or, or even how farmers are adapting.
Because I think when we think aboutfarmers, we probably have kind of two probably more stereotypical types. Kindof very industrial, very much like a plant almost. And then someone kind of amom and pop shop where, it's a small crew of individuals, but it's owned by,family and things like.
Is there a middle ground there that,that, you see in the market and, and you obviously with TikTok and marketingand branding, it seems like they are kind of upleveling that experience andoffering that premium product based on that brand. But what other creative waysare these farmers, this new generation of farmers and are using to help connectto the consumers or, or get their brand out there?
Jayce: Yeah. I can speak toour customer segment, which does trend younger and also trends toward moreinnovative practices on the farm. Once these farmers are experimenting withregenerative ag practices that invest in the soil health of the operation,they're also, many of them are dealing with generational transitions.
Yeah. As the operation is passed downfrom, the often the baby boomer. Yeah, of the operation down to their kids ordown to two new people who aren't necessarily related to them, but are lookingto learn from the wisdom and the best practices of that operation whileintegrating new tools and new approaches into that mix as well.
It's a balance between really makingsure the wisdom is embedded in that shift while also. Leaning on some of thebest practices, and I'm biased here of course, but some of the ways we can techenable some of the more laborious tasks that farmers have related to theirfinancing. We're seeing this as an opportunity really with the product we'remarketing right now in generational shifts.
You're seeing, these the oldergeneration using, doing things by hand. Pen and paper ledger and that making itmore challenging to do taxes every year. Yeah. More expensive as well as you'retranslating that knowledge from the paper toward, into QuickBooks at the end ofthe year and then giving it to the accountant.
We're seeing this younger generationbeing really open and interested in adopting technology on all fronts. Yeah. Tomake the operation more sustainable and efficient.
Julian: That's amazing. Yousee and describe, obviously we, we talked a lot about the farming industry. Wetalked about some challenges that farmers face and, and goals in.
Building their enterprise and offering,different strategies. But, talk, talk a little bit about the mechanics of thatand how FarmRaise is kind of helping, I, I guess, support that innovation andpush Farmer forward as they, create these enterprises. Describe FarmRaise andwhat in particular you're excited about that the technology has been able toproblem solve for, and, and under, resource kind of, industry.
Jayce: Yeah. This, A lot ofthis goes back to, I think about my parents' experience. They are both theygrew up in the suburbs of Richmond, Virginia and Washington DC and they met ona blind date on year's Eve in downtown Washington. And on that night, my dadtold my mom, his farm was, his, his dream was to start a small farm in theShenandoah Valley of Virginia.
And she totally went along the ride forthat. She went, yeah, let's do it. And so they. They had no farming experiencewhatsoever. They were starting from scratch. And I think about their journeyand all of the wisdom they've had to lean on from our neighbors and from books.And just like hard, mistakes and learning on the on, on the job and just howchallenging it was to first know, like, how do you, how do you create abusiness?
Yeah. How do you get your cash flow inorder and have a really clear sense of your profit and loss for everythingyou're producing on your farm? We're producing goats. We're producing eggs.We're producing Angus beef cattle. We produced hogs at one point. We also have,our, our goat hurting dogs and our cattle hurting dogs.
How do they fit into the picture? Andthinking about all those pieces as live and crucial. That feed into the largerbusiness plan and then figuring out how does that plan grow into the future andhow really at the core of it can we be poised as an enterprise to takeadvantage of opportunity? And so FarmRaise is designed to be the tool thatenables farmers to take advantage of their of opportunity through easilytracking.
Their financial operation and being ableto seamlessly access the resources they need to grow to be profitable andsustainable.
Julian: And what does that doin terms of the, the project or not? Not, not only just, you mentioned thatthey were using kind of pen and paper, but what does that do in terms ofunderstanding their own farm and, and being able to kind of keep track ofthings that'll give them more access to.
I was learning from another individualwho's in the agriculture space and, and just describe to me the, without the,the tracking and having the operational insight into your business, it's hardto say, go get a loan or raise money or, or identify ways to even project. Whatsales are gonna look like and, and what you should kind of, reinvest in, interms of whether it's par parts of the farm or the type of crop.
But describe what FarmRaise does interms of understanding your farm and what that allows farmers to then do.
Jayce: There is one simpleaction every farmer can take every day to get a handle on their business, andmost farmers aren't doing it. And that's just looking at what you bought orsold in that day and then categorizing it by one.
What enterprise of the farm does thistie back to? What did it support? Did it support your sheath? Did it supportyour corn? And then two, tying it back to a tax category, so you. Organizingyour expenses and your revenue as you go. And this enables the farmer to do twothings. One, it enables them to be seamlessly prepared for any reporting theyneed to do throughout the year, not just tax time, but if they need, when they,when they need to apply for financing, whether it's a grant or a loan, or toreport on that they don't have to scramble and go through a box of receipts todo that.
And then, They can see where theirinvestment is enabling them to be profitable and successful and where it's not.Yeah. And then they can take advantage of that opportunity to make changes theyneed to make. So our product is a simple cash flow tracking app that enablesfarmers every day to take that core action.
And it's so easy they can update it fromtheir tractors, but don't text and drive. I'm not telling whoever and drive.We're working to make this the easiest tool that farmers have to get ahold oftheir finances and grow their business. As farmers track their cash flow, wehave also made it really, really easy to connect them aligned with their goalsand their farm type.
With different funding opportunities,which is a huge opportunity set for farmers who are looking to be innovative,to expand. We have some of the leading U S D A programs on our site that enablefarmers to scale up and be more sustainable and profitable. And we've builtsimplified digitized applications versions of these applications for farmers todirectly apply for assistance.
Yeah. And this has enabled us to nowgrow to a community of, tens of thousands of farmers who are using our platformto grow their business. And that's really exciting because once we start to seethis community being in the tens of thousands, we can start thinking about,okay, like what sort of network effects or, or group.
Bargaining or group power, can weamplify through this to transform the status quo of the industry? How can weenable small and mid-size farmers to be more competitive through thesenumbers?
Julian: Yeah. And how, howmany in terms of, just to give the audience a point of reference, how many farmers,small to medium farmers are out there, and also how much is being kind of lefton the table in terms.
Grants or other resources that areallowing them, or that are out there for funding for, the work that they'redoing. How many farmers and, and what are they leaving on the table if you haveany numbers?
Jayce: Yeah. They're 3.4million farmers in the us. And there are a little over 2 million farms in theus.
Wow. And about 2 million of these aresmall and mid-size farms. The vast majority are small and mid-size farms. Sothe narrative that, the most farms are industrialized large operations isactually not true. Yeah. And we've seen small and mid-size farms, the number ofthem stay relatively pretty much flat throughout the latter half of 20th century.
And, The, into the 21st century. Ishouldn't say latter half. They, they went through a very sharp decline in thesixties and seventies. Yeah. Like boom, you saw it go down and it's essentiallyflattened after that. And that's because you saw the rise of a lot of reallygame-changing technologies Yeah.
And ag at that point. Yeah. And thosetechnologies really, really scaled up a number of small, of larger, largerfarms. But overall, still in the US most farmers are small and mid-size andsmall farms account for about. Of all America's landscape. So when you think.The people who are poised to best help us deal with food security and climatechange.
Right. I think about small farmers.
Julian: Yeah. Yeah. And, and,and what are ways that you think, obviously they're, they're getting enabled bygrants and fundraisers, but outside of technology and monetary, what are someways that farmers can continue to kind of advance their operation or grower orfind other means to be able to create a more efficient and productive processwith them?
Anything else Kind of in terms of theresources for farmers that they can take advantage of?
Jayce: Yeah. Beyondtechnology and financing I think we're gonna see tech embedded in nearly everyaspect of the farmer's tool set that they can, or they can choose to or not totake advantage of. I think one of the biggest resources that farmers have iseach other.
And this is hard because historically,and I've seen this, sometimes in my own community, farmers can be a little bitcompetitive with each other, even as they are also support. And the more we canconnect small and mid-size farmers to each other, to share resources, to sharesocial support, and to be there emotionally for one another, the better.
And you see this happening a lot inFacebook groups. Farmer Facebook is super active with like tens of thousands ofusers and some of these different groups around different topics, and they'revery vulnerable. They'll, they'll talk about the tough stuff in these onlineforums. And I'm thinking to myself like, okay, so there's this thriving digitalc.
But when they go home and they're likein their physical location off their screen, who are they talking to? Right?They used to get that sort of support like at their local grange or theirfarmer society. But those things are not as popular as they used to be. They'redwindling. Maybe some farmers would get at their, like their local religiousinstitution, but fewer and farmer farmers are doing that too.
Yeah. And so, Is this need for, I thinksocial support and conferences are really big and I think big drivers ofbuilding that, but they're also transient, and so I'm thinking a lot about likewhat are the social structures in place that need to be physically in place?Yeah. As well as digitally in place to enable success.
Julian: Yeah. Thinking aboutwhether it's external or internal, what are some of the biggest risks thatFarmRaise cases today?
Jayce: Hm. They're constantlydealing with uncertainty and these risks span multiple sectors and issuesthey're dealing with. Weather constraints that they've never seen before. Imean, like these tornadoes across Arkansas in the Midwest over the past weekare like one example, but hurricanes and droughts, just really, really drasticweather events that are hitting farmers really hard all across the worldreally.
We see it very closely in the US here.So that's one constraint. And then other macro events too, like when you have aglobal pandemic, we saw some really horrifying. Situations with livestockproducers. Mm-hmm. At the beginning of the pandemic when, because of these, wedepend on these highly skilled, industrialized supply chains for a lot of ourmeat if we're not buying direct to consumer.
Right. And because of that, there's alot of supply that can be backed up and not flow freely when you do have adisruption like that. And we saw. Livestock producers having to basically killthousands of their livestock in a day. Wow. Because they didn't have money to keepsustaining the livestock. They couldn't have them butchered and slaughtered formeat because it wouldn't get to anyone.
Events like that are really traumaticfor, everyone involved. Yeah, yeah. Horrible, horrible things. And so thosemacro events show that our supply chains are not as strong as I'd like tobelieve they are. Sure. And there are other aspects of that too. When you seethe market prices fluctuating because there's a trade war or there's othersorts of economic shocks, it also hurts the farmer, especially those relying onthe market price, right?
To make ends meet. And so this is whereI think direct consumer begins to appeal to a lot of farmers because they havemore autonomy over where their. Where their produce is going, but it's, it'sdefinitely not for every farmer.
Julian: Yeah. If everythinggoes though, what's the long-term? What's the long-term milestone forFarmRaise?
Jayce: Oh, our goal is to bethe farmer's go-to tool for running their farm. So as their trusted platform, weenable them to be able to access the re resources they need to be profitableand sustainable. We are their vertical SaaS provider. And. Around that coreproduct, we can then build a marketplace of resources and tools that feed intothe core product and enable these farmers to not only be more successful alone,but to connect with each other and take advantage of those group impacts.
Julian: Yeah, I always likethis next section I call my founder faq. So I'm gonna hit you with some rapidfire questions and we'll see where we go. Okay. First question I always like toopen it up is what's particularly hard about.
Jayce: It's always hard to tellpeople no. Yeah. And, and let people down and to ruthlessly prioritize, butI've leaned into that discomfort and I think it's now, having to say no tostakeholders and to keep our North star metric at the, at the center of what wedo.
It's something that I've gotten reallygood at over the past year and it's a muscle that I wanna continue flexing, andI'm grateful for the opportunity to be in this role and to be able to grow inthat.
Julian: Love that. What'soutside of FarmRaise, what's a particular advancement in kind of farmtechnology or technology that's disrupting, the, the farming process orenvironment that you're particularly excited about?
Jayce: Yeah. I think farmlabor is a really interesting segment to look at, so I would check out, there'sa company called CISO that's doing a lot to automate the paperwork with visasand other sort of employment challenges that farmers and laborers face. Andthey're connecting the dots, I think, in some really interesting ways, and I'mexcited to see how that develops over
Julian: time.
Amazing. What is something that youspend a lot of time on that you would like to spend less and something that youspend less time on that you would like to allocate more to?
Jayce: Hmm. I think this is aproduct of where we are currently as a company. We recently launched thiscashflow tracking app that's seeing really good traction with our farmers, butbecause we recently put it out, I'm trying to stay really close to the data ina way that it's everything that I sort of eat, leave, live, breathe, and thinkabout at farm Rays.
And I always want to be centered on thatdata piece, but I am excited for when we are at a point where I can zoom out abit more from. And come back to the big company story and the, and those, thosesort of big scale pieces that at the heart of it, I think a successful leadercan. Be really, really attuned to the story that the company is moving forwardin the world.
I think storytelling is the mostpowerful tool that any of us can wield. Yeah. And potentially some of the mostimpactful. And I'm excited to zoom out again when we come up from thisexecution phase and be able to tell that company story loud and
Julian: clear.
Yeah, I love that. What's something thatyou're good as good at as a founder now, but you wish you were better at?
Jayce: So many things. I, Ithink definitely I'm extremely whenever I see the opportunity to act onsomething, I just wanna do it. I wanna just take that action Sure. And get itdone and move forward. And what I've learned is there are some things whereaction bias suits serves us very well, and there are other instances.
Mm-hmm. Especially around, different HRor sort of promotional tracks within our company. Thinking about who we needfor what role and how to hire for what role. I have definitely seen the valuein hiring slowly and being really intentional about that. So sort of balancingmy action bias with a more intentional and I think zooming out a bit, a systemslevel approach to how we do business.
Julian: Yeah, I love that.And, and last little bit is, I always like to ask this cause I love howfounders extract knowledge from anything that they ingest. Whether it was earlyin your career or now, what books or people have influenced you the most?
Jayce: Hmm. I love RebeccaSolnick. She's a writer and an activist and she published one article that wasreally inspiring to me when I was first, starting out in my career.
And it's called Some Monsters DieSlowly. And it's about how when you are Really passionate about moving a numberof small bits toward a big problem, whether it's people or actions. Yeah.Whatever those small bits are. I'm, I'm fascinated with the power of bringingsmall things together to make a big impact.
That process is not something thatalways happens overnight. Yeah. It doesn't mean we should sit back and take aleisurely approach to our work however we need to be. I think like an athlete.Present, sustain and scrappy as we push this thing forward. But also tellingourselves that if we don't win on the first shot, we're gonna get back in andplay again and play again.
And we may be paving a found, a road orbuilding a foundation that others will take that shot in and make for us, evenif we don't individually get there. And so that long-term perspective withshort-term sort of, athleticism Yeah. And scrappiness. With me a lot.
Julian: I love that. And Ifeel like it resonates with a lot of founders who, are just, have to kind of bein tune with the consistency that they have to work at, to, to build a company.
The little, micro wins or micromovements that really allow for the, the kind of overall accumulated success ofthe business, but in all gets lost in, in terms of the mystique of, of thefounder experience. So I'm so glad you were able to kind of illuminate not onlythe work that you've done, but also the work that farmers is doing, the workthat farmers are doing to also.
Push this forward in, in terms ofoffering, amazing products to consumers and being a little bit more closelytied with their consumers to be able to, con continue those offerings andexpand the enterprises. So last little bit is I'd love to make sure that wedidn't leave anything on the table.
So if there's any question I didn't askyou, please let me know. Please let the audience know. Or if there's anythingthat I didn't ask you that you wanted me to bring up. This is the time. Did weleave anything on the table? Anything you wanted to?
Jayce: Thanks Julian. There'sa really exciting initiative coming from the US Department of Agriculture thisyear.
It's over a billion dollars in climatefunding for agriculture. Wow. And this is gonna be dispersed throughorganizations and companies that are working on the front lines with farmers.Farmers is partnering on four of these. And there are a number of reallycreative, innovative approaches that are, that are gonna be underway in thenext few years.
So I think keep an eye out for what yousee. In that, in that span of time and how that drives climate mitigationadaptation and helps us get closer to farmers as consumers too. I'm reallyexcited about this amazing chase.
Julian: And last little bit.Where can we find you? Where can we support you as a founder and FarmRaise?
Give us your LinkedIns, your, yourTwitters, your websites. Where can we be a support of you and the company?
Jayce: Wonderful. I'd saycome to FarmRaise.com and you can find all of our contact information there.Whether you're looking for a role or you're interested in joining our team insome way, shape, or form as a supporter advisor, I'd love to hear from you.
So please do come and reach out and youcan always contact me directly at j Ssat farm raises.us.
Julian: Amazing. Jayce, thankyou so much for being on the show today. I hope you enjoyed yourself and again,I appreciate your, your insight and your knowledge. Not only farming, but alsoas entrepreneurship and kind of.
Go to kind of tackle this market. Sothank you again and, and I hope you enjoyed yourself on the show.
Jayce: Thank you,Julian.
Julian: Of course.