March 17, 2023
Jennifer Nuckles is the CEO of R-Zero. Jennifer is an industry veteran, with over 25 years of experience leading and accelerating revenue growth and profitability for companies including high-growth, venture-backed, and public companies. Prior to R-Zero, Jennifer was the Executive Vice President and Group Business Leader at SoFi. Jennifer was previously Chief Marketing Officer of health tech leader Doctor on Demand and social gaming giant Zynga, Inc. She spent almost a decade in leadership positions at The Clorox Company in marketing and sales. Jennifer holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BA from the University of California, Berkeley.
Julian: Hey everyone.Thank you so much for joining the Behind Company Lines podcast. Today we haveJennifer Nuckles, CEO of R-Zero. R-Zero is the first bio-safety technologycompany dedicated to making the indoor spaces we share safer, healthier, andmore productive. Jennifer, I'm so excited to chat with you, and as I mentionedbefore, the show not only because of your.
Interesting entrepreneurial journey, but also what you areworking on at R-Zero and, and really the, the, maybe even, and, and we will getinto the discussion, the change in a lot of our physical spaces being a littlebit more safer and healthier and, and, and being conducive for Not onlycommunication and, and, and, good productivity, but also just a safeenvironment overall.
But before we get into that, what made you join as the ceo?You're not the original ceo, so what, tell me the story of how you got involvedat R-Zero and, and essentially, then how you ended up joining as a CEO and, andtaking the, the company by the reigns.
Jennifer: That's great.Thanks so much for having me, Julian. Of course. So I joined R-Zero in Octoberas ceo, I'm also chairperson of the board, so I've been working with R-Zero forthree years. I was the first independent board member, so I joined the companyat the very earliest stage right when seed was raised. We've raised throughSeries C, so we've raised 170 million.
We just announced our series C, which was 105 million. So huge,huge testament and kudos to the team that have gotten us here over the pastthree years. So I joined R-Zero at three years ago as the board member by wayof introduction from another board member. So he had been on my board at aprior startup.
Mm-hmm. . And he had asked me to be on the board, which I didfor several. And then the company decided about a year ago that they were goingto do a, a CEO changeover really, because there were three founders who did aphenomenal job, and now it was time to bring in an experience kind of matureoperator to take the company to the next level.
Julian: Yeah. Andtalk about that transition. How are those discussions when, you go through atransition like that with the previous founders and, and how do you kind ofalso not only make sure this transition is smooth, but also re-instill thatthe, for the rest of the team that, you're continuing the direction that thecompany's been going in and, and only continue to improve?
You know what you're doing.
Jennifer: Yeah. Sowhen the board decided and, and I was one of the board members, decided that weneeded to make a CEO change, we put together a list of candidates, a short listof candidates within the area, and began interviewing candidates. And what wasvery complimentary to me was that all of the candidates kept saying, well, youalready have your next ceo, which is humbling and also a testament.
So, we made the decision that we were gonna do the switch Mayof last year. There was quite a lengthy interview process. It took. The wholesummer essentially, and I had the offer and I started in October. I was comingfrom a very big seat, so I was a Section 16 officer, a named executive officerat, so SoFi, which is social finance.
It's a publicly traded FinTech. We went public 18 months ago,so I was running one of the three group business units, so about a third of thecompany. It's a one and a half billion dollar p and l, about 4,500 people. Soit was a really big seat. Yeah, and it was a big decision for me to decide toleave, and candidly, I made the decision because I believe in the power ofinflection and disruption that that R-Zero is, is conducting in market.
Julian: Yeah. Anddiscussed, I mean, when, and I've heard this many times, over, and, and I'vetalked to another founder who ended up taking the seat as a ceo or not anotherfounder, another CEO who took the seat at and being a previous board member.Yeah. What goes in behind that decision making? What do you see in terms of thecompany and, and where it's at?
Is it needing the, injection of a new leader for growth tostimulate growth or scaling, or, or is it building relationships in a certainsector? A certain leader has, standing with prior to that? Yeah. Or is itmultiple things that really you have to account for when you make that change?
Jennifer: I thinkit's a really good question. So, at least in my experience, and I've had fiveexits through technology companies, and each one of those companies has had aCEO change over whether it was Zynga. I was the chief marketing officer ofZynga for a number of years. I had four CEOs during that time two of whom werethe same person, the founder that I reported directly to.
And every time the decision is made, it's based off. The stageof the company and what's needed to reach kind of that next phase of growth. SoI always, I, I read a lot of books on leadership, a lot of books on companygrowth and there's, there's a project that was done through Google that wascalled Project Aristotle and Project Oxygen.
And it goes through kind of the different types of leaders thatare essential at a different inflection point of a company and where R-Zero isright now. Not very super early stage. We have product market fit, we have anumber of products in the market. We have strong revenue, phenomenal growth,and it's really the opportunity to scale at a pretty big clip versus where wewere headed to.
And so, we were looking for someone with very strong commercialbackground. We were some looking for someone who. Ability to scale a business.The ability to put processes in place, kind of operational muscle. And I thinkit, it's kind of testament as to how companies go about those changes.
Julian: Yeah. Yeah.It's so fascinating to think about what you bring to the table and, and, andwhere the direction of the company's gonna go. And I'm, I'm curious and tell usa little bit about the traction. So tell us a little bit more about R-Zero.Where, what company, or excuse me, what does a product do?
Who do you service and. What are you excited about in terms ofthis next stage of growth?
Jennifer: Yeah,great. I'm, I'm really happy to talk about this. So the company, as Imentioned, started three years ago. So many companies were started in the midstof Covid. I give all of these founders and entrepreneurs a ton of accoladesbecause it's very difficult to start a company and forecast what's gonna happenwhen the world is effectively shutting down. Yeah. So we launched with ourflagship product. The genesis here was the knowledge that all of us had, whichis the world shutting down? People are missing seeing other people. Mm-hmm. , theimportance of indoor air quality has never been higher.
Yeah. Which is a little bit ironic to me. And Julian, mybackground, I spent 10 years at Clorox after business school. So I amintimately familiar with the importance of air quality and surface disinfection.So it's been it's been really meaningful to me watching the, the awareness andimportance increase over the past three years.
The other thing people saw is that as humans, we spend 90% ofour time indoors. And what we all missed over the past three years was theability to gather with our friends and our family and our coworkers andsporting events and social events. And not only with Covid, but with all theother pathogens that are spread indoors.
And so you think about cold and flu, the first year of covid,cold and flu was basically eradicated in the. States. Yeah. You see this past,this past winter cold comeback with a vengeance, flu comeback, Mesa Comebackrsv. People are getting staph infections. Like the industry that's actually onthe forefront of this is both the hospitality and the healthcare industry, cuzthey know how fast things spread amongst humans.
So we started with a flagship product is called the Arc, andit's a freestanding UVC tower. What it does is it uses the power of light todisinfect indoor spaces within a matter of minutes 99. Nine, 9% of allpathogens are removed, and this is at a much lower cost than the competitiveproducts in.
We also have a complete software and IOT connected hardwaresystem that's integrated within all of our client systems, whether it'shospital systems or building management systems. And what we do is we use ourrisk modeling. It's it's proprietary risk modeling, patented and 3Dvisualization. Of our infection risks within these shared spaces to kind ofoptim optimize implementation for each building.
And what we saw was that this really took off kind of in theearly days of Covid as people were very, very aware of. The spread of indoorpathogens. Then what happened was we launched a series of other products, sonot the freestanding tower, but actually installed products. And these startedbeing installed in commercial real estate, in public sector buildings inhealthcare, of course in education, in sports facilities.
And so what's happened that, kind of the, the tailwind ofpeople becoming aware of the importance of indoor air quality is now really. Tothe market and where it's going. Yeah. You're even seeing the government becomeaware of this. There's a, there's a governing standard called Ashray, which usas R-Zero, a small little technology company got put on the Ashray board, andso we're helping set the standards for indoor call air quality, which will berolled out this summer.
Julian: It'sincredible. I I, it's so funny, I'm not sure if you're familiar with thecartoon. Hey Arnold, but there was an episode in there. Yeah, you are. Sothere's an episode in there where he becomes a, one of the characters becomesan extreme germophobe because they are, are privy to the understanding thatthere's, there's microorganisms in the air on the surface.
Yeah. No matter what. And so, It, obviously the rec, theyreconcile and he learns to live with this. But to your point, there's a lot ofones that do cause us harm in the environments that we want to be productive,want to work safe at, or just be around other people. Discuss technology alittle bit more.
Has this technology been around and hasn't been implemented?What's been the incumbent beforehand in seeing that you've seen it on bothends? On the chemical side of it, but now on, on the more innovative side whereit's less of an intrusive technology.
Jennifer: Yeah. Sothe first thing I'll say in regards to comparison products, so you'reabsolutely right.
Petrochemicals have been used in indoor spaces for a hundredyears, right? Yeah. And I say this coming off of Clorox, which is over ahundred years old. The the ability of uvc to be used instead of chemicals isless waste, less environmental impact, less runoff into the water, less damageto skin and eyes.
And pharma is more sustainable cuz there's no substrates beingthrown out. There's no packaging being thrown. The other impacts from an ROIstandpoint are right now what we're facing in the United States is a massiveshortage of labor. Yeah. And we've seen this, even over the past 10 years asfrontline workers have actually been leaving the workforce.
And you see this with teachers, you see this with doctors, withnurse practitioners, and by 2030 there is forecasted to be a shortage of130,000 doctors. Within the United States. So just, just a couple years fromnow. Yeah. And janitorial staff is being hit really hard as well. So ourproducts require, are autonomous, so they run the installed products run 24 7.
Yeah. They protect the spaces every single minute. Meaning,Julian, if you and I were sitting right next to each other and I know you'recoming off of a cold and you are coughing on me, I would not get sick. Wow. Andso this real time protects the spaces that we're occupy. I like to think ofthis as zero day InfoSec protection.
Yeah. Yeah. When this became really big in the securityindustry, you think about how much money companies spend protecting their ITequipment. They really should spend the same money protecting their humancapital, which is the most valuable asset all of us have.
Julian: Yeah. Yeah.And what does that do? I, I, I'm, I'm no biologist, but what does that do fornot say, exposed to these, whether it's pathogens or, or yeah.
Microorganisms, viruses, things that are in the air. Does thatdecrease our, our amenability or does that essentially make us essentiallystronger because we're not fighting so many things off daily.
Jennifer: Yeah,that's true. It can make us, it cannot compromise the immune system, but alsothe ability for the microorganisms and the pathogens to not spread real time.
Yeah. And so in general, it just protects all of us becausePatient Zero is isolated and everyone who comes into contact with that patientis not spreading it elsewhere. And I think, what's, what's phenomenal is thatpeople have really woken up to. It's really a drag to be sick. And it impactsnot only how you feel, it impacts your productivity.
It impacts, yeah. The world that we're all gathering it in, itimpacts GDP for the United States, and we essentially can't have, we're, we'regonna live with these situations ongoing forever. , but there we can't berelying on ineffective solutions to protect all of our people. Yeah. One thingthat commercial real estate's done over the past year is started running theirHVAC systems 30% more times, 30% more.
And the reason they're doing that is because really importantto clean, import air quality. That sounds like an airplane going by. It'sreally important to have indoor air quality HVAC systems. So heatingventilation systems were not built to improve indoor air quality. What they'rebuilt for is to cool the air that we're in, right?
Mm-hmm. . And so these old antiquated systems are running at anexorbitant cost to the environment. Yeah. And also exorbitant energy costs. Soour system uses. One 20th, the energy per effective air change versus hvac andwe again don't have any of the disruption to the environment.
Julian: It'sincredible. And, and, and thinking about a user and how it affects, or, or,yeah.
I, I, I say user, but you know, we are kind of, if I'm in a, ina building or in a location, I'm technically a user, but I'm not, activelyusing the, the, the technology it's being used or in the environment. What'sthe effect on me? My skepticism always hits me, what's the, what's the effectof this type of light or this type of energy being emitted on us as people?
Should we be concerned? Should we not be concerned? Yeah. Tellme a little bit about that.
Jennifer: Yeah,that's great. So UVC has been used in hospital settings for over a decade. Itis well established as the best way to real time disinfect and removepathogens. Our 24 7 on products use a different light spectrum.
So it's 220 nanometers. This is a hundred percent safe to humaneyes and skin, and our devices are all studied through a series of studies withHarvard, with Columbia. We have our clearance. We just, last year we justapplied for Health Canada clearance, which is just coming through. So we'll beboth US and Canada approved.
And so these devices are now being used real time in facilitieslike the Mayo Clinic, which is one of our strategic investors. Mayo Clinic isusing our products to disinfect real time, restrooms waiting rooms, operatingrooms where humans are gather.
Julian: Yeah. Yeah. Ialways think about the horror stories of going to the doctor and then gettingsick from just by visiting.
Yeah. Obviously that, that, we're a little bit more removedfrom that, but it seems like other places still have that as, as a chance. Lastsort of question on, on, on, the technology and how it affects and what's the,if you know the percentage of companies or locations or buildings or whereverpeople congregate that are being.
Serviced in terms of bio safety? Oh, yeah. And, andunderutilized in terms of the, the newest and, and greatest technology that'sout there.
Jennifer: Yeah, sothe way that this is measured is called effective air change per hour. Mostbuildings, right now we're running between two to three changes per hour. Werun at 12.
Wow. And the government is going to mandate a minimum, whichwill probably be around six that may be higher, but just for that alone, youcan tell that the preponderance of commercial real estate public sectorbuildings are being under protected. .
Julian: Yeah. It'sfri it's frightening to think about that, but it's also exciting to think aboutthe, the new technology and how to implement that.
And Yes. As a CEO you're shifting to, to you in, in your focus,how do you manage so many different ways that the company could grow being,Yeah. Strategic partnerships with investors like the Mayo Clinic or going intocertain sectors like commercial real estate Yeah. Or going even that muchdeeper into healthcare going into the schools.
Yep. How do you manage all those directions? Without runningout a runway?
Jennifer: Yeah, it'sa really, it's a really good question. So I think it's always hard to say no togood ideas. . We have to be very focused. We are focused on four verticals,which are commercial real estate, healthcare education and the public sector.
And we have those four vectors described and identified basedon our product market fit and our, our already interest in those markets. Sowe. Protect one and a half million people. We have over a thousand locationswhere our products are installed at, and those are the four that we're focusedon in terms of operational excellence.
It's really about making sure that the team is focusedtogether, and that's one of the things that I, I bring to the team. So, like Imentioned, I've worked in a number of industries, I've scaled a number ofdifferent businesses. I like to think. hiring the athletes that work togetherand see the market signals.
Yeah. And that can kind of unlock those together versus not,not work as well together. So one of the books that I read a lot and that Iwould recommend is the 12 com, the 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership.Yeah. And this is, and so that's a book club recommendation. Yeah. It's a, it'sa new part of Time for Success and it basically goes through a distillation of,of decades with CEOs and leaders.
Mm-hmm. , it's kind of radical, it's provocative, but it's howunconscious leadership is sustainable if it, if it works for the team, yourorganization in the long term.
Julian: Yeah. Yeah.It's so, it's so fascinating to think about, the directions and also, where thecompany could go and, and grow and in part.
With within this year, you, you mentioned you have somepartnerships. You mentioned you, you protect a lot of of people. But what'sbeen particularly exciting about this year, now that you've raised the capital?Yeah. What is a lot of that capital gonna be used for.
Jennifer: So the, thecapital is being deployed into r and d. So one of the things that I'm mostexcited about is our software capabilities. So what we have built is the, theonly continuous disinfecting system. And how this works is that we use all ofour software to real time profile the risks in a room. So we have launchedsensors. What the sensors do is they take the actual blueprint of an indoorspace and risk profile, whether it's based on asset tagging human tagging, workfloor ventilation.
The, the flow of movement in a hospital setting, we identifywhether someone is a, a doctor or a nurse practitioner by the color of thescrubs. Yeah. We look at how many instruments are in the the room, what thetemperature is in a commercial real estate setting, so all of the environmentalfactors that affect the workspace.
And then we provide our, through a real time dashboard andanalytics insights, the risk profiling of that space, which then through APIcalls, with our disinfecting platform, make sure that our products are runningwhen they need to be, whether it's 24 7, whether the room's not occupied, theydon't need to be on.
And then all of this is available to the cfo, the ChiefSustainability Officer, which is one of our big stakeholders. The janitorialand maintenance. To real time look at the usage of the locations. And then the,the last step within the software is the analytics that, that are distributed,which identify the outcomes.
So, if there was a patient who was sick in the room, if therewas a hospital acquired infection how much real estate was actually used if theMayo Clinic could use a space instead of for an operating room, instead use itfor a pop-up clinic. So it's real time optimizing the indoor spaces based ontheir proprietary data.
Julian: Yeah. Yeah.And then has there been any pushback on, in terms of the monitoring, thecensoring? I mean, anytime you introduce a lot of technology, it, there is somehesitation in the market. Yep. But what have you seen and how have you overcomeit?
Jennifer: Soeverything is it is proprietary to the end user. They have real time insightsavailable on their dashboard.
It's all in aggregate, so you don't look at the individuallevel. Yeah. Our customers really appreciate this data intelligence. They'reusing this to just be smarter about their infor environmental spaces. Yeah. Andso whether it's hospitals looking to get shave minutes off, surgical surgerycuz that saves them millions of dollars over time, whether it's a Fortune 100looking to not run their HVAC system, a couple hours a week because that willsave them millions of dollars.
And also help them reach their sustainability credit. So all ofour customers are using the real time data and that's the that's really wherewe're seeing a lot of the growth to, to be able to emphasize and identify whattheir risks.
Julian: Amazing. Andwhat are some of the biggest challenges that R-Zero faces today?
Jennifer: I think youconnoted one, which is the product should be used everywhere. There's indoorspaces, , we have to be very intentional about. Who we are partnering withbecause we're, we're a small company and we're only three years old, and so weneed to make sure that we operate with, with high excellence.
The second is that we are partnering with the government andkind of some, some large institutions. So there's a lot to be done to kind ofshift a marketplace. If you think about when Airbnb came out, Airbnb wasdisrupting, like the taxi industry or walking or, or houses. That's, that'sUber or houses and hotels and so these are large industries that have beenaround for a long time.
Yeah. And so, the pace of innovation, which is what Iappreciate, is really essential. And so, I think as startups and entrepreneurs,we always wanna do things fast. So to make sure that we are able to do that inkind of the right process. In the right order.
Julian: Yeah, yeah.If everything goes, what's the long term vision for R-Zero?
Jennifer: So we wouldlike to be, and we, we intend on being the largest and only continuousautonomous disinfecting system through both software risk modeling and the APIcalls to the the U P C portfolio.
Julian: Love that. Ilove that. I was like, this next question, I called it my founder f faq. So I'mgonna hit you with some rapid fire questions and then we'll see where we get.
So first things first. What's particularly hard about your job?
Jennifer: I'm, it'salso Monday March 13th, which this will go down in infamy as the last 48 hours.72 hours. I think were incredibly hard for startup CEOs and their teams as thebanking system collapsed in the United States. Yeah, so I think the hardestthing about my job, which is also what gives.
The most energy is, you gotta know how things work. You need tobe at 10,000 feet, but you also need to be boots on the ground and when itmeans on Thursday initiating payments early so your employees get paid becauseyou're not sure what's gonna happen with your bank accounts. Yeah. And then onSaturday, going and waiting in line to establish new banking accounts like, As,as owners, having owners mentality is really important.
But it means that you're always on.
Julian: Yeah. Yeah.Early on in your career or, or is there anything that really catalyzed you tokind of go into leading and, and leading teams rather than going a differentdirection and specializing in a certain field? What, what was the itch that,that you had to scratch it as an entrepreneur that led you in the direction.
Jennifer: So I loveknowing how things work. So I spent a decade at Clorox after business school,and I remember at that time we were given the decision if we wanted to be a GMor if we wanted to be a functional expert, and I chose the GM path. So I.Brand, a number of businesses. I had grown up obviously in marketing and brandmanagement, so I had spent 10 years in marketing.
And when I was wanting to leave Clorox, which I, grew up at,spent a decade there very thankful to, I was given the advice of don'tpigeonhole yourself in one industry or pigeonhole yourself in in. , kind of onefunction, like hire the athlete, train the skills. And that's really stood byme because I've been in gaming, I've been in digital health.
Yeah. I've been in FinTech I've been in disinfection. And whatI look to do is, is hire that athlete who knows how to make things work, knowhow to scale, know how to figure things out, and really hire for that agility.
Julian: Yeah. Yeah.Thinking about the, the, the week and, and, and the week for a lot of CEOs andfounders, and how do you kind of manage the, the stress of the job?
How, what is something in particular that you do, that you'veseen that's helpful to, to either recharge or, or just stress or, or not be soimpacted by news of, of the day-to-day that we all, we all receive asentrepreneurs that we don't want to, see at 8:00 AM on a Monday when we thinkeverything is gonna be okay and then, all of a sudden, Things are not,
Jennifer: you'reunexpected for the day. Yeah. I think the reality is we're all on 24 7. We wakeup in the morning, we check our phones, we know what's happening. That's whatmakes us great. Operators several years ago I had a, an offer to go and be a GPat a VC firm. And the reality is I'm a really strong operator. I like waking upin the morning.
Checking the, the prior days results, whether it's mix panel oryour own internal dashboards. I like knowing how things work and so, yeah, Ithink, having a good network whether it's internal, make sure you have a teamthat you can trust if your leadership team is the team that you want. , that'sgreat.
You feel it, you have other people to bounce ideas off ofhaving a network externally that you can run ideas off of, because as a ceo,some things you can't talk to other people internally about mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. .just making sure you have those, those resources. Last week I was. with a publiccompany CEO who actually gave me a pretty good advice, which was if he everfeels like he's going into a one-on-one with one of his directs and he'sdreading it, it's probably not a great relationship
So, making sure you have those relationships secured. Yeah. Upand shored up is really important.
Julian: Yeah. Yeah.What's one thing that you spend, if you think about your week that you spend amajority of your time doing that you would like to allocate time doingsomething?
Jennifer: Yeah, Ithink the most important thing we have as a finite resources time.
So each one of us has the same amount of time, 1,440 minutes ina day. Yeah. You wanna make sure that you optimize every single one of those.And there's some tasks that really should be delegated, not only because itfrees up, my time or others time to. More valuable work. Mm-hmm. , but alsobecause it means you're developing your next bench strength.
So yeah. Delegation's really important. It's hard because a lotof times you can do things faster. Yeah. But it's only gonna, it's only gonnakeep getting exacerbated. So knowing when to rely on other people and makingsure that they have their resources and are trained to do so is reallyimportant.
Julian: Yeah. Isthere something that you learned as an entrepreneur that you wish you learnedearly in your career? I guess almost like advice you would give to anotherentre. ,
Jennifer: I've beengiven this, this advice on, on talent. The hardest thing that we go through ismaking sure the right people are in the right seat.
Yeah. Make the decisions faster. If you are trying to put, a, asquare peg in a round hole, it's probably not going to work. Give the athletesand the high, the high talent a chance, but, make decisions quickly.
Julian: Yeah. If you weren'tworking on R-Zero, what would you.
Jennifer: It was areally hard decision for me to leave SoFi. I was really passionate about thebuild, the businesses that I was building. I had nine businesses. They were allnew for SoFi, and they were generating. Hundreds of millions. No, a billiondollar of enterprise value. It was a hard decision to leave.
I probably would still be at SoFi. Yeah. . And that's just thenature of the game is that I decided there's three areas in life that areimportant to me. They are education, environment, and health. And it's a prettyrare opportunity to get to a company that intersects all three of those.
Yeah. And also has the ability to disrupt a very large marketand be mission based on top of that. So, doing good for the common good isimportant to me. If you can do that in a commercial outcome, it's pretty rare.
Julian: Yeah. Yeah.That's incredible. And I know you mentioned it already you mentioned one book,the 15th Commitments as a Leader, but what other, whether it's early in yourcareer or.
What other books or people have influenced you the most?
Jennifer: Yeah. Yeah.So since we're talking about podcasts, I always listen to how I built this.Yeah. Which is a, a podcast that interviews a ton of entrepreneurs to see howthey built their brands. It's like intimate moments of doubt and failure.
A lot of people, a lot of times with entrepreneurs, the companyis resting on your shoulders and there's no one else. And so hearing from fromother leaders, I, I think is really, really key. And then another similar, butit's a book, not a podcast, is built to last. Mm-hmm. , which is a very similarapproach, which is learning from companies that have gone from early stage tomid stage to, final IPO or massive exits.
Cuz there's a lot of leading indicators that you can draw onparallels across, industries
Julian: yeah. Yeah.And the last little question, I know we're coming to a close here and I wannagive you a chance to, to give our audience, where can we find you. But before that,is there any question I didn't ask you that I should have or that you would'vewanted to answer?
Jennifer: I think youcan ask me about the impact on the environment. I think the, because we talkeda lot about. The the software play, but I think the largest thing that we canall do as we look at impacting the world and we've all become aware of this, isclimate change is real. Things that we, decisions that we as humans are makingto improve our own ex.
Experiences are having disastrous outcomes for futuregenerations. So use technology to impact and better antiquated solutions. And Ihave no doubt that UVC and far UV and upper room methods of cleaning the airwill be the norm in five to 10 years. That's incredible.
Julian: And lastlittle bit is, is, and also thank you so much for being on the show.
The last little bit is where can we find you as a founder or asa ceo? Where can we find you? R-Zero. Give us your LinkedIns, your websites.Give us all your plugs.
Jennifer: Yeah,please. Please do so. It would be great to hear from you. You canlink in to me under Jennifer Nuckles. Social platforms the same.
Sometimes they go under the handle of Jen Nuckles, but wouldlove to hear from everyone. New ideas. Also business partnerships in thesustainability area. Commercial reals. State, indoor air protection. Reallyimportant.
Julian: Amazing.Jennifer, it's so incredible to not only learn about your journey and, and, butalso about R-Zero, what you're working on, what the technology is, and how itcan really just better on, on all fronts, like you said, education,environment, and health.
And I'm so excited to see where you will go, especially withthat injection of cash and, and so, so excited to, to maybe even. Unaware ofyour technology, but now see it in physical spaces. So I hope you, I hope youenjoyed yourself on the show, but thank you again for joining us today.
Jennifer: Yeah,thanks so much.
Julian: Of course.